Share Your Story

One of the most helpful, important things that we can do is share our story to help lawmakers and citizens understand who proposed laws truly effect, and to de-stigmatize abortion.

Have you shared your story in the past, or are you considering sharing your story? Please don't hesitate to reach out. We all need all of the support we can get and there are some truly amazing groups that can support you in doing this, whether anonymously, publicly, all at once or a little at a time. Send me a note!

There are many sites that compile stories of the women that have terminated pregnancies. Some of the ones that I have shared my story with are:


One of the best ways to make a difference is to share your story when the House of Representatives in your state is reviewing bills that would legally affect abortion laws and options. These bills very rarely have exceptions for fetal anomalies, and the legislators proposing them do so based on falsehoods and assumptions that aren't based on fact or the realities that many of us face. Sharing your story can have a very profound impact, and is one of the best ways to make a difference. It can be done both in person, or via email.

In the state of Missouri, I am working to compile opportunities and resources to make this process easier. Please reach out if you'd like to be included and I'm happy to share what I know with you, and even more importantly, others that can help guide us all on this journey.

Make Calls & Write Letters

I have been using the free app "5 Calls" to review the latest legislative threats to our legal termination rights, and to find the right people to call about them. It features a variety of issues, including those focusing on reproductive rights.

You can also sign up for your local Planned Parenthood Action chapter to get weekly emails about upcoming lobby days, legislation and opportunities. Missouri's is here.

Finally, you can also mail letters or postcards to your representatives. You can find your House representatives here and your state Senators here.